I have been struggling to implement a 404 page in deno(oak server framework) - if i load any addtress that does not exist, i get just a blank page..
tried: (page404MiddleWare.ts):
import {Context, exists, send} from "./deps.ts";
export const page404MiddleWare = async (ctx: Context, next: Function) => {
ctx.response.body = "404 page";
await next();
But that seems like a bad practise.
I would add a default route for all non existing urls and redirect user there:
router.get("/(.*)", async (context: Context) => {
context.response.status = 404;
context.response.body = "404 | Page not Found";
and all rest routes:
Checkout my Deno REST boilerplate project for more details: https://github.com/vicky-gonsalves/deno_rest