I have created a relation between User, Property and junction table of these two items UserPropertyJunction which can be visualized as releation in the image below
UserEntity, instead of customers
, which is
@Entity(tableName = "user")
data class UserEntity(
val userId: Long,
val firstName: String,
val lastName: String,
val email: String,
val password: String
Property, instead of products
tableName = "property",
primaryKeys = ["id"]
data class Property(
val id: Int,
val update: Int,
val categoryId: Int,
val title: String,
val subject: String,
val type: String,
val typeId: Int
And Junction table instead of product_helper
tableName = "user_property_junction",
primaryKeys = ["userAccountId", "propertyId"],
// Foreign Keys
foreignKeys = [
entity = User::class,
parentColumns = ["userId"],
childColumns = ["userAccountId"],
onDelete = ForeignKey.NO_ACTION
entity = Property::class,
parentColumns = ["id"],
childColumns = ["propertyId"],
onDelete = ForeignKey.NO_ACTION
data class UserPropertyJunction(
val userAccountId: Long,
val propertyId: Int
And created relation class with
data class UserWithFavorites(
val user: User,
parentColumn = "userId",
entity = Property::class,
entityColumn = "id",
associateBy = Junction(
value = UserPropertyJunction::class,
parentColumn = "userAccountId",
entityColumn = "propertyId"
val propertyList: List<Property>
Also need to get data of how many times these properties displayed and liked by users.
And for that checked out the solution in this link which adds additional field to junction, in my case adding displayCount
and favorite
data class UserPropertyJunction(
val userAccountId: Long,
val propertyId: Int,
val displayCount:Int=0,
val favorite:Boolean=false
My first question is as far as i have seen, not much experience with junction or associative tables, they only store foreign keys for the tables that should associate with, is it okay to add value fields to junction table?
If it's not elegant or not preferred way of doing it, should i add another table that has relation with junction table such as
data class PropertyStatus(
val userAccountId: Long,
val propertyId: Int,
val displayCount:Int=0,
val favorite:Boolean=false
and associate them?
And when retrieving data from both properties of a User and status of properties should i manually get data from
data class UserWithProperties(
val user: User,
parentColumn = "userId",
entity = Property::class,
entityColumn = "id",
associateBy = Junction(
value = UserPropertyJunction::class,
parentColumn = "userAccountId",
entityColumn = "propertyId"
val propertyList: List<Property>
and get with SELECT from status table or junction table based on your answer to first question
or is it possible to add another relation to UserWithProperties
with @Embedded
or @Relation
As far as I know, unfortunately there is no out-of-the-box way, how you can solve your use case with just Room's tools (@Relation, @Embedded, @Junction).
My first question is as far as i have seen, not much experience with junction or associative tables, they only store foreign keys for the tables that should associate with, is it okay to add value fields to junction table?
The thing is @Junction has some restriction in use - it just helps to bind two tables with the values that kept in third (junction) table. But @Relation-with-@Junction API
doesn't support getting from this junction table any field to include to result class (these foreign keys are used only for binding). That's why technically you can add some fields to the junction table (and it seems it's the most suitable place where you should keep these values), but in practice you just couldn't get these fields using @Junction.
Maybe there is some hack-ish way you could use for that, but my guess - you'll have to implement your own method with SQL joins and passing result with loops to form needed result (similar to that was implemented in the link you mentioned in your post).
As a simplification to your case you could really describe Entity-junction table as you suggested (but not to use @Junction at all):
data class UserPropertyJunction(
val userAccountId: Long,
val propertyId: Int,
val displayCount:Int=0,
val favorite:Boolean=false
and then to add auxiliary class (not entity) and use it as a query result:
data class UserWithFavorites(
val displayCount:Int,
val favorite:Boolean,
parentColumn = "userAccountId",
entityColumn = "userId"
val user: UserEntity,
parentColumn = "propertyId",
entityColumn = "id"
val property: Property,
Of course, that's not what you want but at least you can deal with that, it's out-of-the-box and you can use LiveData/Flow/RxJava with that (for example, after getting this you could try to use some transformation operators to somehow change it to needed format)
UPDATE (for simplified version)
If you don't need users in result, but you just want to filter by userId then your auxiliary class could be as follows:
data class PropertiesWithFavorites(
val displayCount:Int,
val favourite:Boolean,
val propertyId: Long,
parentColumn = "propertyId",
entityColumn = "id"
val property: Property
And dao method:
@Query("SELECT * FROM user_property_junction as j where j.userAccountId =:userId")
fun getPropertiesByUser(userId: Long): List<PropertiesWithFavorites>