
how to be not hardcoded for Buefy type in vue.js

<b-checkbox v-model="selectedTiers" :native-value="i" type="checkType(i)" @input="update">
    {{ $t('general.specificTier', { tier: i }) }}

Hi everyone, I am using Buefy and Vue.js. I want the type to be flexible. That is why I am using the method here. according to different I, it outputs a different string. But type here doesn't recognize the method here. I also can't use string + string here.

Here is information about checkbox of buefy.


  • You can use v-bind directive to dynamically alter the attributes.

    Here is an example to get your started:

      <div id="app">
        <!-- Example with string manipulation -->
        <b-checkbox :type="`is-${type}`">TEST 1</b-checkbox>
        <!-- Example by reading off compenent-data -->
        <b-checkbox :type="checkboxType">TEST 2</b-checkbox>
    export default {
      name: "App",
      components: {},
      data() {
        return {
          type: 'success',
          checkboxType: "is-success"

    One last thing, you can still use a method there (just add : before the attribute name - like :type="checkType(i)"), but the function would only be evaluated once and any further data changes won't be reflected on the type attribute (won't update on data change)