I am using Robot Framework with the RIDE IDE. I have an Appium Server session running. As a first try, I want to write a Robot Framework test case to open an instance of the Windows notepad. Firstly, is this even possible, or am I misguided?
The following are the settings used:
Remote Host:
Remote Port: 4723
Remote Path: /
SSL: disabled
The "Desired Capabilities" are set as represented by the following JSON:
"app": "C:\\Windows\\system32\\notepad.exe"
It is running on port 4723.
The following test case is being executed:
*** Settings ***
Library AppiumLibrary
*** Test Cases ***
Open Application http://localhost:4723/wd/hub app=C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe
This yields the following error:
[ WARN ] Keyword 'Capture Page Screenshot' could not be run on failure: No application is open
What might be the cause of this?
Edit: Additional information - when executing the above test case, the following appears in the WinAppDriver console:
Per default AppiumLibrary
will run Capture Page Screenshot
on failure.
AppiumLibrary Documentation
Most likely sequence is as follow.
Test case try open notepad but fail.
Open Application http://localhost:4723/wd/hub app=C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe
On this failure AppiumLibrary
try Capture Page Screenshot
but fails due to there is no open application since step 1 failed.
I believe you need to focus on troubleshooting why the app do not open properly.
If you like to suppress this failure you can you can set AppiumLibrary to not capture screen on failure in the import with run_on_failure=No Operation
, see the linked documentation above.
Library AppiumLibrary run_on_failure=No Operation