
How to add a new project to Github using VS Code

All the tutorials i've seen till now shows to first create a repository on github, copy the link go to vscode and git clone it and from that on, you can do commits and pushes.

Is that the right way ? can't I just start a project from vscode and then upload it to my git ?


  • Well, It's quite easy.

    Open your local project.

    VSCode source control interface showing Open Folder and CLone Repository

    Add a file (If you don't have anything else to add yet)

    VSCode explorer interface showing

    Click on Publish on Github

    VSCode source control interface showing Initialize Repository and Clone to GitHub

    Choose whether you want your repo to be private or public

    Interface showing choice between private and public repos

    Choose the files you want to include in first commit.
    Note: If you don't select a file or folder it will added to .gitignore file

    Showing interface where you choose which files to include in the repo

    You are good to go. it is published.

    P.S. If this was your first time a prompt will ask for for your Github Credentials. Fill those in and you are good to go. It is published.