
Splunk query reference field in joined data

Full disclosure, I am very new Splunk so I may explain my question incorrectly.

I have two data sources and was given a query to pull data from them individually. I am trying to join this data together so I can create some type of chart, but I am unsure of this would be a join/search etc.

My initial query is as follows:

This allows me to search through the mail logs by sender address and show all emails with a bcSendAction=1, which is a successful send.

index=mail sourcetype=barracuda [search index=mail sourcetype=barracuda bcSender="someemail@domain.com" | table bcMsgId] bcSendAction=1

The result of this search is as follows:

enter image description here

Now, my other search is a log that shows all of the sender email addresses during a certain time period. I would like to use the result of this (the email value) in the first search so that I don't have to hard-code the bcSender, but rather have it use the results from the other source.

// Returns an email address
index=mail sourcetype=sendmail_syslog *@sfdc.net |  
rex field=from "<(?<from>.*)>" | 
table from | dedup from

I was able to parse the log and pull out just the email addresses that I want to use to plug into my first search.

I followed a few emails and tutorials, but a lot of the joins I was seeing only used two different sources/datasets and didn't use the search as I did in my first query.

My attempt at this was something like:

index=mail sourcetype=sendmail_syslog *@sfdc.net 
|  rex field=from "<(?<from>.*)>" 
| table from | dedup from 
|  join from 
    [search index=mail sourcetype=barracuda [search index=mail sourcetype=barracuda bcSender=from | table  bcMsgId] bcSendAction=1]

I don't know that I am referencing the email from the first result set correctly. Can someone point me in the right direction with how to approach this search?


  • If I understand your request properly, then you need 3 steps:

    1. get the sender addresses from index=mail sourcetype=sendmail_syslog
    2. use these sender addresses to get a list of messageID's from index=mail sourcetype=barracuda
    3. use these messageID's to finally get the events you are looking for

    This sounds like you need a subsearch (for getting the sender addresses) inside of another subsearch (for getting the messageID's), meaning your own attempt was pointing in the right direction already.

    Try something along these lines:

    index=mail sourcetype=barracuda bcSendAction=1
      [ search
        index=mail sourcetype=barracuda
          [ search
            index=mail sourcetype=sendmail_syslog *@sfdc.net 
            | rex field=from "<(?<bcSender>.*)>" 
            | stats count by bcSender
            | fields bcSender
            | format
        | stats count by bcMsgId
        | fields bcMsgId
        | format

    I can not really verify it without having your data, but I'll try to explain what it's supposed to do. Let's start from the innermost subsearch.

    Now let's have a look at the outer subsearch.

    And the outermost search: