
Using task_namespace in luigi produces an error

I am trying to understand a program that uses luigi to build pipelines. I have understood the basics but then there is this

class Task5(luigi.Task):
    task_namespace = "examples"
    # something else

When I comment the line with task_namespace the program runs ok but with that line it fails with:

luigi.task_register.TaskClassNotFoundException: No task Task5. Did you mean:

I cannot find a simple example of what task_namespace is used. Can someone explain to me how to use this?

Also, What is the "namespace" of a Task?


  • I found the answer after much research. task_namespace changes the name of the task. So now if you want to refer to Task5, you should refer it as examples.Task5 because otherwise it would not get recognized. That is why Task5 was not recognized or found