
Laravel AdminLTE pass parameter to menu can method

I am currently using for my laravel project. The problem I am facing is that I am trying to pass a parameter to the can method in the menu configuration as seen below but haven't gotten any luck to get it to work.

Menu Config:

    'text' => 'Add new post',
    'url'  => 'admin/blog/new',
    'can'  => ['access:posts'],

The posts gate:

Gate::define('access', function ($user,$location) {
   return $user->hasAccess($location);

I think i might be passing the parameter to the gate incorrectly.


  • You can't pass additional argument.

    But if you just want to bypass variable you can do using use. An example you can define based URL segment/path.

    $location = request()->segment(1); // get 'blog' from admin/blog/new
    Gate::define('access', function ($user) use($location) {
       return $user->hasAccess($location);