
Textbox on ReportViewer (RDLC) not wrapping but forcing a page break

Situation: My report uses several ReportViewer Textbox controls which grow and shrink, depending on the size of the bound text. When the text in the ReportViewer textbox control is too long to fit on the current page, a page break occurs before the textbox and it is then wholly rendered in the next page. This often results in a large empty gap at the bottom of the first page where the page break occurred.

I would prefer the textbox to wrap the text across both pages, rendering as much of the text as will fit on the current page and then wrapping the remainder to the next page. Anyone know if this is possible?


  • This is quite possible. The KeepTogether property of the textbox defaults to true, and is what keeps the textbox from splitting into more than one section. To get your textbox to wrap to the next page, just set KeepTogether to false. (Note that you have to use the Property Window (F4), not the TextBox Properties... dialog box.)