I am not very familiar with using loops. I am trying to create a table like this: 00:00 00:01 00:02 ... 27:58 27:59 28:00
It is for data that runs into the next day, but is still considered part of the original day.
I tried this:
for (i in (1:29)) {
but it only does the pastes minutes 1 through 60 onto hour 28: only the 28th hour
I hope this is simpler than I am making it out to be, I don't know how to use the sapply or lapply to do this. Thanks for any help.
You can do this with the help of outer
times <- c(t(outer(sprintf('%02d', 0:27),sprintf('%02d', 0:59),paste,sep = ":")))
#add the last time manually
times <- c(times, '28:00')
head(times, 8)
#[1] "00:00" "00:01" "00:02" "00:03" "00:04" "00:05" "00:06" "00:07"
tail(times, 8)
#[1] "27:53" "27:54" "27:55" "27:56" "27:57" "27:58" "27:59" "28:00"
appends 0 to a single digit number and we paste
every hour (0 to 27) to every minute (0 to 59).