
Ibm content navigator - wait service callback return value to effect isVisible() inside global action

I use service to get the current user AD list from serverside,

I create a new Action on the global tool bar and i am trying to hide the action if the user dose not belong to the relevant Ad,

I am using the Action isVisible() function, but i cant make the isVisible() wait until the service answer is return, what i am doing wrong?

define([ "dojo/_base/declare","dojo/_base/lang", "ecm/model/Request", "ecm/model/Action","ecm/widget/dialog/AddContentItemDialog"],


Request,Action,AddContentItemDialog) {

      return declare("OpenEntryTemplatePluginDojo.OpenMyEntryTemplateAction",[ Action ], {






Request.invokePluginService("OpenEntryTemplatePlugin","CheckIfCurrentUserHaveSpecificADgroupService",{//to know if the user is belong to the relevant AD group 


requestCompleteCallback : dojo.hitch(this, function(response) {                      

if(response.success) {return response.success;}
else {
this.isUserBelogToSpecificADgroup = false;
return this.isUserBelogToSpecificADgroup ;







return false;




  • The method invokePluginService() is asynchronous and will not wait for the request to finish. Instead of this method you can use the synchronous method invokePluginServiceSynchronous(). This will wait for the request to finish and returns the response directly:

        var response = Request.invokePluginServiceSynchronous("OpenEntryTemplatePlugin",
            "CheckIfCurrentUserHaveSpecificADgroupService",{} );