cabal build --help
and others mention components
like in sentences like
Build one or more targets from within the project. The available targets are
the packages in the project as well as individual components within those
packages, including libraries, executables, test-suites or benchmarks. Targets
can be specified by name or location. If no target is specified then the
default is to build the package in the current directory.
From the cabal user guide mentions them too in 9. Setup.hs Commands
, and
gives two prefixes exe:
and lib:
to select those. Are there more of those prefixes?
A component is anything behind a stanza with its own set of dependencies, etc. So it can be multiple sublibraries, multiple executables, test-suites, etc.
You're right that this is underdocumented! In the source code we can see the following (
matchComponentKind :: String -> Match ComponentKind
matchComponentKind s
| s `elem` ["lib", "library"] = return' LibKind
| s `elem` ["flib", "foreign-lib", "foreign-library"] = return' FLibKind
| s `elem` ["exe", "executable"] = return' ExeKind
| s `elem` ["tst", "test", "test-suite"] = return' TestKind
| s `elem` ["bench", "benchmark"] = return' BenchKind
| otherwise = matchErrorExpected "component kind" s
return' ck = increaseConfidence >> return ck
So that's the full list!