I need to create a new lookup code in fnd_lookup_values
and add additional information to the code. Oracle suggests that we can use arrribute1...attribute15 columns. But to use attribute1..15 columns, we need to do extra steps like creating DFF and attaching it to the current lookup code.
But also there is a tag
create table FND_LOOKUP_VALUES
lookup_type VARCHAR2(30) not null,
language VARCHAR2(30) not null,
lookup_code VARCHAR2(30) not null,
attribute1 VARCHAR2(150),
attribute14 VARCHAR2(150),
attribute15 VARCHAR2(150),
tag VARCHAR2(150)
Is it safe to use it in a custom oracle-ebs application to store additional information for lookup codes?
Yes, it is safe to use the tag column for custom purpose as there isn't any Oracle standard functionality depending on it. The EBS online help reads: Tag: Optionally enter in a tag to describe your lookup. The tag can be used to categorize lookup values.
Regards, Andy