
VNDocumentCameraViewController in Xamarin Forms freezes

I would like to use the new VNDocumentCameraViewController from iOS 13 in my Xamarin Forms App with a custom renderer. It works, but sometimes after a few seconds the preview from the camera freezes and I have no chance to do anything on the view controller.

To reproduce the error, I've reduced my code to the following:

Custom view:

public sealed class Scanner : View


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
    <local:Scanner />

Custom renderer

[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(App1.Scanner), typeof(App1.iOS.ScannerRenderer))]

namespace App1.iOS
    public class ScannerRenderer : ViewRenderer<Scanner, UIView>
        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Scanner> e)

            if (this.Control == null)
                VNDocumentCameraViewController scannerController = new VNDocumentCameraViewController();

It mostly occurs when moving the camera fast from left to right and back, but sometimes also without doing anything.

I didn't found anyone who tries to use the VNDocumentCameraViewController with Xamarin Forms. What I'm doing wrong? Or is there a bug?


  • I've found the solution...I struggled two days on it and now I found out, that the garbage collector did his f*** job and destroyed my scannerController after some time / called Dispose() of VNDocumentCameraViewController. If I changed it to a class member it worked:

    Custom renderer

    [assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(App1.Scanner), typeof(App1.iOS.ScannerRenderer))]
    namespace App1.iOS
        public class ScannerRenderer : ViewRenderer<Scanner, UIView>
            private VNDocumentCameraViewController scannerController;
            protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Scanner> e)
                if (this.Control == null)
                    this.scannerController = new VNDocumentCameraViewController();