I have two activities A and B, and from activity A, I click on a button that opens a dialog box which contains a form consisting of two edit text fields and a button(the button in the dialog box is used to start activity B). So, my question is: how do I pass a string from activity B to activity A, but without closing the dialog box(the string will be used to fill one of the two edit text fields).
You need to create a class to store the variable. In ActivityB use set the value of the variable, the created class stores it and in ActivityA get the value of the variable.
Create a class: GlobalVars.java. In this class put this:
public class GlobalVars extends Application {
private static String var2;
public static String getVar() {
return var2;
public static void setVar(String var) {
var2 = var;
In ActivityB put this line in to the appropriate place:
String something;
In ActivityA put this line in to the appropriate place:
String getsomething = GlobalVars.getVar();
And that's it!