I was reading the documentation and wanted try out the api in pycharm. So I copied the code and it told me that I had an "Invalid API key/application pair". I copied my Api key straight from my app I made on https://portal.clarifai.com/ and put it in.
My code literally an exact copy except api key was deleted I copied straight from my app was deleted, and I running it on pycharm.
from clarifai_grpc.channel.clarifai_channel import ClarifaiChannel
from clarifai_grpc.grpc.api import resources_pb2, service_pb2, service_pb2_grpc
from clarifai_grpc.grpc.api.status import status_pb2, status_code_pb2
# Construct one of the channels you want to use
channel = ClarifaiChannel.get_json_channel()
channel = ClarifaiChannel.get_insecure_grpc_channel()
# Note: You can also use a secure (encrypted) ClarifaiChannel.get_grpc_channel() however
# it is currently not possible to use it with the latest gRPC version
stub = service_pb2_grpc.V2Stub(channel)
# This will be used by every Clarifai endpoint call.
metadata = (('authorization', 'Key {9f3d8b8ea01245e6b61c2a1311622db1}'),)
# Insert here the initialization code as outlined on this page:
# https://docs.clarifai.com/api-guide/api-overview/api-clients#client-installation-instructions
post_inputs_response = stub.PostInputs(
if post_inputs_response.status.code != status_code_pb2.SUCCESS:
raise Exception("Post inputs failed, status: " + post_inputs_response.status.description)
Philip, your metadata declaration is not correct. You don't put your API key within {}
# This will be used by every Clarifai endpoint call.
metadata = (('authorization', 'Key {9f3d8b8ea01245e6b61c2a1311622db1}'),)
There is an extra } towards the end, please adjust it to this
metadata = (('authorization', 'Key 9f3d8b8ea01245e6b61c2a1311622db1'),)