
Does boost::bind() copy parameters by reference or by value?

Why does valgrind's DRD tool complaines "Conflicting load by thread ... at size 4": about such code:

void SomeFunction(const int& value)
    boost::bind(..., value); /* <-- complaines on this line
                                with last backtrace function "new(int)" */

Does boost::bind() stores values by reference or value?


  • By value. 1

    But you can make it copy by ref instead:

    void SomeFunction(const int& value)
        boost::bind(..., boost::ref(value)); 
        boost::bind(..., boost::cref(value)); // by const ref

    1 http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_46_1/libs/bind/bind.html#Purpose

    a copy of the value of i is stored into the function object. boost::ref and boost::cref can be used to make the function object store a reference to an object, rather than a copy: int i = 5;

    bind(f, ref(i), _1);

    bind(f, cref(42), _1);