I made a form with a checkrow list and two segments where the user can either choose to select all items in the list or none.
private func setupForm() -> Void {
guard let inheritorList = getInheritorList() else {
form +++ Section()
<<< LabelRow() { row in
row.title = "Choose between multiple inheritors"
<<< SegmentedRow<Int>("segments") { row in
row.options = [1,2]
row.displayValueFor = { idx in
if idx == 1 {
return "All"
} else {
return "None"
.onChange({ row in
if row.value! == 1 {
//All checkboxes should be selected
self.inheritorFilterMode = .filterAll
} else {
//All checkboxes should be deselected
self.inheritorFilterMode = .filterNone
for inheritor in inheritorList {
form.last! <<< CheckRow("inheritors") { listRow in
listRow.title = inheritor.name
listRow.value = nil
.onChange({ row in
if row.value! {
} else {
This creates a list with the above specified inheritors list and two segments. My problem is that I don't know how to obtain the values of the segmented row.
I tried to create an enum and change the filter mode depending on the value in the onChange of my segmented row method. I would then later on in the onChange of my check row list check which mode is active but this didn't work.
enum InheritorFilterMode {
case filterAll, filterNone
var inheritorFilterMode: InheritorFilterMode = .filterAll
I also tried to obtain the value of the segments by getting the tag:
let segmentedRow: SegmentedRow<Int>! = self.form.rowBy(tag: "segments")
but this approach didn't work as well.
Any suggestions on how to update the check boxes when the segment changes?
I'm not quite sure if i understood the question. But I ll try to answer it.
The checkmark itself is just a accessory type which changes the value of the row (check the repo for reference:
accessoryType = row.value == true ? .checkmark : .none
So instead of filtering the results (which shouldn't work the way you did it) you should loop all rows in your form. There is a method form.allRows() which allows you to loop over all rows in your form and then you only need to check which segment - in your case "All" or "None" - is selected:
So in the onChange block of your SegmentedRow you could do something like:
.onChange({ segmentedRow in
for row in self.form.allRows {
if row is CheckRow {
if segmentedRow.value == "All" {
row.baseValue = true
} else if segmentedRow.value == "None" {
row.baseValue = false
// don't forget to call update cell - otherwise the cell won't update
Also: Instead of using an Interger based row type you could just use a String:
<<< SegmentedRow<String>("yourTagHere") { (segment) in
segment.options = ["All","None"]
I didn´t test it myself but it should do the trick. It took me 10 minutes to read through the Eureka docs on GitHub. Might be worth a try ;)