
Initiating an outbound conference call using Twilio Functions

I do not see any documentation in creating a conference call in twilio functions


  • You could start with something like this:

    exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
      // create response object (to return TwiML)
      let response = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();
      // dial a conference room
      const dial = response.dial();
      dial.conference('Some Room');
      // for debug
      // return conference TwiML
      return callback(null, response);

    This is similar with how a forward call Twilio function would be, but instead you "dial" a conference room, not a number.

    Configure your Twilio number so it runs the function when a call comes in.

    With the new Twilio functions interface, you'll need to create a service before you create a function. If you want to see the logs, you'll need to togle "Enable live logs" to see the console.log(response.toString());.

    enter image description here

    You can get more inspiration from the docs for Node.js here: