
Play WS request times out sooner than withRequestTimeout

I am making a web service request that produces a Future. Like so (a simplified reproduction):

import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
class Service(wsClient: WSClient)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) {
  def callWebService() = {
    val req: WSRequest = wsClient.url(...).withRequestTimeout(180 seconds)...
    val respFuture:Future[Response] = req.execute()

The web service being invoked gets 180 seconds to respond before WSClient gives up.

This Service class' client now calls it as service.callWebService(). When the third party web service takes > 120 seconds, instead of waiting for 180 seconds, the future timesout at 120 seconds (java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Read timeout to localhost/ after 120000 ms thrown in thread).

Appreciate any pointers on how to increase the 120 seconds used by the default dispatcher to 180 seconds.


  1. The app uses Akka actors elsewhere. But there are no actors involved in this control flow.
  2. This post comes close but doesn't help.


  • Play WS includes a global request timeout, which defaults to 2 minutes.

    Putting the following in your application's config (by default application.conf) should rectify things. = 3 minutes = 3 minutes