When using php redis as a session handler with session locking if there is an error where a lock cannot happen a php notice is thrown and the script continues. Is there a way to configure it for a fatal error and the script NOT process at all?
In case anyone wants to know the exact code for turning session_lock notice into fatal error; here it is. (I couldn't have done it without the other answer, but this is exactly what I used)
function redisNoticeFunction($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, array $errcontext)
// is the error E_NOTICE?
if ($errno === E_NOTICE)
// if error was suppressed with the @-operator
if (0 === error_reporting())
// do nothing, continue execution of script
// if notice was about about Redis locking
if ($errstr == 'session_start(): Acquire of session lock was not successful')
$error_msg = 'Redis locking problem with notice msg: ' . $errstr;
$error_msg .= ' at ' . $errfile . ':' . $errline . \PHP_EOL;
// signal fatal error
$error_type = E_USER_ERROR;
trigger_error ($error_msg, $error_type);
$current_error_reporting = error_reporting();
//Use regular error handling if session_start() does not end in a lock