I'm still reading through the docusign email resource file.. wanted to get inputs on my scenario from experts who already know the answer:
I'm trying to achieve this: An envelope contains multiple participants - already done I want to send different email content (subject, body) to different participants (based on internal roles/logic). All notifications per envelope will be in the same language Need for localization of the email content
My understanding so far: I see that there's capability to customize the emails to be sent in different languages Challenge: How do I send different email subj/body for each participants?
Has information on how to do this using the API and SDKs.
Not sure which programming lang you'd like, here is C#:
// create a Signer recipient to sign the document, identified by name and email
// add an EmailNotification object with a custom email subject and email body
Signer signer1 = new Signer {
Email = "inbar@example.com",
Name = "Inbar Gazit",
RecipientId = "1",
RoutingOrder = "1",
EmailNotification = new RecipientEmailNotification {
EmailSubject = "Custom email subject for signer 1",
EmailBody = "Custom email body for signer 1" }