
JavaScript - Natural Sorting a FileList Object

I have a filelist object that contains over 1000 image files. I want the object to be sorted by file name, which is alphanumeric. In other words, I want to do a natural sort. The file names are like this:


Turning the filelist object into an array by doing [] or Array.from(filelist_object) and then calling sort() results in alphabetical sort only. How can I make the filelist object naturally sorted on file name?

I am okay with turning it into an array, as long as I'm able to display the image files using URL.createObjectURL() on the array elements.

Natural-sorting alphanumeric strings is not what I'm looking for, though the names of my files in the filelist object are alphanumeric strings. The filelist object contains the following properties:

0: File
lastModified: 1493435514308
lastModifiedDate: Sat Apr 29 2017 08:41:54 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
name: "d_1_ct.png"
size: 5307
type: "image/png"
webkitRelativePath: "img/d_1_ct.png"

I want to sort on either name or webkitRelativePath, while retaining all the properties of the filelist object, as I am using the index numbers of the object to display the images.


  • There's now a much easier way using localeCompare:

    const items =  ['3rd', 'Apple', '24th', '99 in the shade', 'Dec', '10000', '101', '$1.23']
    items.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b, navigator.languages[0] || navigator.language, {numeric: true, ignorePunctuation: true}))
    // [ "$1.23", "3rd", "24th", "99 in the shade", "101", "10000", "Apple", "Dec" ]

    Additionally, you can speed this up by declaring the collator object beforehand.