PLEASE! I've been trying to find some inbox module for ejabberd like MongooseIm's but without success
I would like to know if there are any, and if not, can I adapt MongooseIm's mod_inbox in ejabberd or is it better to switch to MongooseIm?
EDITED: or how can I create a similar implementation on the client with 0313 - MAM and 0013 - Offline messages that give me the same or approximate result. Please help, I'm breaking my head, I don't want to change the ejabberd but if necessary, no problem
Disclaimer: I'm on MongooseIM core team.
It's not clear how much you've invested in deploying and integrating ejabberd. If the integration is only on XMPP level, then MongooseIM is mostly a drop-in replacement. You can just grab a MongooseIM container or a prebuilt package and be done with it.
If you have, on the other hand, invested in metrics gathering, deployment pipelines, infrastructure as code, etc, then switching might cost you a bit more effort due to some differences in how the projects are built from source, report stats, format logs. The switch is still relatively easy, but there's some overhead involved.
If you're comfortable programming in Erlang, then porting mod_inbox
won't be a big problem (it's a matter of a few days at most). If you don't have Erlang experience and hiring is not an option, then better stick to prebuilt MongooseIM container images / packages.