I am trying to make a 3D-voxel game that uses the marching cubes algorithm to procedurally generate a game world. This is working fine so far, except that, on exactly perpendicular sides on the positive and negative x sides of a given perpendicular piece of the world/chunk mesh, it looks like the uv coordinates aren't quite right as it just displays a solid color instead of the texture. [![view of debug-chunks and the buggy sides][1]][1]
At <2.> you can see the chunk wall how it is supposed to look like and at <1.> you can see the weird bug. This ONLY occurs on exactly perpendicular x-side triangles! Those meshes in the image are debug-chunks to show the problem. All the noise-to-terrain translation works fine and I don't get any bugs there. It's only the uvs that cause problems. I am using the following code to populate the Mesh.vertices, Mesh.triangles and Mesh.uv:
void MakeChunkMeshData()
for (int x = 0; x < Variables.chunkSize.x - 1; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < Variables.chunkSize.y - 1; y++)
for (int z = 0; z < Variables.chunkSize.z - 1; z++)
byte[] cubeCornerSolidityValues = new byte[8]{
chunkMapSolidity[x, y, z],
chunkMapSolidity[x + 1, y, z],
chunkMapSolidity[x + 1, y + 1, z],
chunkMapSolidity[x, y + 1, z],
chunkMapSolidity[x, y, z + 1],
chunkMapSolidity[x + 1, y, z + 1],
chunkMapSolidity[x + 1, y + 1, z + 1],
chunkMapSolidity[x, y + 1, z + 1]
MarchOne(new Vector3Int(x, y, z), cubeCornerSolidityValues);
void DrawChunk()
chunkMesh.vertices = vertices.ToArray();
chunkMesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray();
chunkMesh.SetUVs(0, uvs.ToArray());
void ClearMesh()
void ClearChunkMeshAndData()
uvs = new List<Vector2>();
vertices = new List<Vector3>();
triangles = new List<int>();
/// <summary>
/// cube contains bytes for each corner of the cube
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cube"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
int GetCubeConfiguration(byte[] cube)
int u = 0;
int result = 0;
for(int corner = 0; corner < 8; corner++)
if (cube[corner] < Variables.solidityThreshold)
result |= 1 << corner;
return result;
Vector2[] getUvsPerTriangle(byte[] voxelTypes)
int resId = voxelTypes[0];
if (voxelTypes[1] == voxelTypes[2])
resId = voxelTypes[1];
resId = 1;
Vector2 normalized = getUvCoordFromTextureIndex(resId) / Constants.TextureAtlasSizeTextures;
float textureLength = 1f/Constants.TextureAtlasSizeTextures;
Vector2[] result = new Vector2[3] {
normalized + new Vector2(1,0) * textureLength,
normalized + new Vector2(0,1) * textureLength,
normalized + new Vector2(1,1) * textureLength
return result;
/// <summary>
/// returns the absolute x and y coordinates of the given texture in the atlas (example: [4, 1])
/// </summary>
/// <param name="textureIndex"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Vector2 getUvCoordFromTextureIndex(int textureIndex)
int x = textureIndex % Constants.TextureAtlasSizeTextures;
int y = (textureIndex - x) / Constants.TextureAtlasSizeTextures;
return new Vector2(x, y);
/// <summary>
/// takes the chunk-wide mesh data and adds its results after marching one cube to it.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
void MarchOne(Vector3Int offset, byte[] cube)
int configuration = GetCubeConfiguration(cube);
byte[] voxelTypes = new byte[3];
int edge = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) //loop at max 5 times (max number of triangles in one cube config)
for(int v = 0; v < 3; v++) // loop 3 times through shit(count of vertices in a TRIangle, who would have thought...)
int cornerIndex = VoxelData.TriangleTable[configuration, edge];
if (cornerIndex == -1) // indicates the end of the list of vertices/triangles
Vector3 vertex1 = lwTo.Vec3(VoxelData.EdgeTable[cornerIndex, 0]) + offset;
Vector3 vertex2 = lwTo.Vec3(VoxelData.EdgeTable[cornerIndex, 1]) + offset;
Vector3Int vertexIndex1 = lwTo.Vec3Int(VoxelData.EdgeTable[cornerIndex, 0]) + offset;
Vector3Int vertexIndex2 = lwTo.Vec3Int(VoxelData.EdgeTable[cornerIndex, 1]) + offset;
Vector3 vertexPosition;
if (Variables.badGraphics)
vertexPosition = (vertex1 + vertex2) / 2f;
// currently using this "profile"
// this code determines the position of the vertices per triangle based on the value in chunkSolidityMap[,,]
float vert1Solidity = chunkMapSolidity[vertexIndex1.x, vertexIndex1.y, vertexIndex1.z];
float vert2Solidity = chunkMapSolidity[vertexIndex2.x, vertexIndex2.y, vertexIndex2.z];
float difference = vert2Solidity - vert1Solidity;
difference = (Variables.solidityThreshold - vert1Solidity) / difference;
vertexPosition = vertex1 + ((vertex2 - vertex1) * difference);
triangles.Add(vertices.Count - 1);
voxelTypes[v] = chunkMapVoxelTypes[vertexIndex1.x, vertexIndex1.y, vertexIndex1.z];
EDIT: when only slightly rotating the chunks, the weird problem immediately disappears. I don't know why, but at least i now have some clue what's going on here. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/kYnkl.jpg
Well, it turns out that this probably is some weird behavior from unity. When explicitly setting the mesh after the mesh population process as the meshFilters' mesh, it works just fine. Also, I had to call mesh.RecalculateTangents() to make it work.