
Estimating the Variance Inflation Factors (VIF) of a SEM model (lavaan)

I am trying to find the Variance inflation factor (VIF) from a Structural Equation Model (SEM). My model is:

# load the data
Log_And_SurveyResult <- read_excel("C:/Users/Aakash/Desktop/analysis/Today/Mot-Log.xlsx")

# load lavaan

#scale the variables
Log_And_SurveyResult$Time <-

model <-
Ct =~ CT1 + CT2 + CT3
R =~ R1 + R2 + R3
B =~ B1 + B2 + B3
UserActivity =~ Time + TotalActivity

fit <- sem(model,data = Log_And_SurveyResult, std.lv = TRUE)
summary(fit, standardized=T)

Here is a sample of my data:


When I run vif(fit), I get error:

Error: $ operator not defined for this S4 class

I am following the examples from the: http://minato.sip21c.org/msb/man/VIF.html

Most of the example and tutorial on VIF has been generated by using a multiple regression model. But how can I get the VIF for my SEM model?


  • To estimate the VIF of a model produced with the sem() function of package lavaan you can create a binary dummy variable, regress it against the independent variables in his model, and then use vif() to estimate the Variance Inflation Factors. Example:

    ## Create random binary variable
    Log_And_SurveyResult$randomvar <- rbinom(nrow(Log_And_SurveyResult), 1, 0.5)
    ## Model and VIF
    Model <- lm(randomvar ~ CT1 + CT2 + CT3, data=Log_And_SurveyResult)