
How is the 24 hour percent change on Binance calculated

When it comes to 24h Change on a specific Pair,

enter image description here

How is this calculated?

If it's price at current time compared to price 24 hours ago, then for example:

the current price of BTC 9431 now (6/16/2020 5pm) is compared to the price of 9357 on 6/15/2020 at 5pm?

and an hour later (6pm) if I see it again will be compared to the price on 6/15/2020/6pm?


  • I refer you to this link: https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/67438/24-hour-price-change-mean

    The 24h % change is the difference between the current price and the price 24 hours ago.

    The current price of bitcoin is $14988 and was $14937 24h ago. So the 24h change is +0.3%, even if there was a huge spike between this period of time.