I have two tables: employees and offices.
I want to create a view with all the columns from 'employees', but only two columns of 'offices'.
Also, I want to select only employees who have unique job titles. I'm trying to do it with the following code, but it returns the following error:
#1248 - Every derived table must have its own alias.
I'm using the following query:
SELECT employees.*, offices.officeCode, offices.phone
SELECT DISTINCT employees.jobTitle
JOIN offices ON employees.officeCode = offices.officeCode
offices table:
employees table:
Desired result:
including only the first 6 employees from the sample image (as 'Sales Rep' is a repeated jobTitle, the employees with it wouldn't be included).
Current query has a number of issues:
query in derived table without FROM
clause: (SELECT distinct emplyees.jobtitle)
)Therefore, consider joining the two tables with a count check on unique job title:
SELECT e.*, o.officeCode, o.phone
FROM employees e
INNER JOIN offices o
ON e.officeCode = o.officeCode
WHERE e.jobTitle IN
(SELECT sub.jobTitle
FROM employees sub
GROUP BY sub.jobTitle