How do I implement a 8:1 MUX using 3:8 decoders and 2 input gates?
I know how a 8:1 MUX works and how a 3:8 decoder works but I am not able to understand the approach to convert the decoder to mux using 2 input AND or OR gates.
Our Sir told this Question and the students gave the answer in split second.They said 8 AND gates and 7 OR gates are required for conversion.
What a 8:1 MUX does is selecting 1 signal out of the 8 inputs. The 3:8 decoder is where you should start with, because it can transform a 3-bit signal (the selector signal) to 8 separate signals which as a whole functions as one-hot.
Assume each input IN*
is 1-bit. To implement a 8:1 MUX which:
=0 selects IN0
=7 selects IN7
use the following structure.
+-----+ +----+
IN0 ------------>| AND |-------->| |
+-------->+-----+ | |
| | OR |---> OUT
... | ... ... | |
| +-----+ | |
IN7 ---|-------->| AND |-------->| |
| +-->+-----+ +----+
s0| ... |s7
|3:8 DEC|
=1 if SEL
=0. ... s7
=1 if SEL
gates plus one-hot encoded s*
signals permits only one IN*
input pass at any given time. Please note that tall OR
gate actually represents 7 OR
gates. Because only 2-input gates are allowed, you need 7 OR
gates to OR 8 signals together.