
How to switch git branch in Eclipse Che

I've recently discovered Eclipse Che (on Red Hat's CodeReady Toolchain) and been using it for a development project in Java.

I have all my code in Gitlab, so I simply created a new project and loaded everything from there.

Now, is there a way to switch git branches for that project within Eclipse Che?

The only workarounds I've found so far is by doing one of these:

devfile configuration in eclipse che

There must be some other way to do this and I'm just missing it.

I've already checked the different options in "Source control" and yet, I couldn't find an option to do this.

Thanks in advance!


  • Che uses vscode Git extension as an SCM provider, you can find the documentation about the vscode Git checkout command here:, which is also relevant for Che.

    To quickly checkout a branch you can click the branch indicator in the left bottom corner:

    enter image description here

    You will see a drop-down list with branches.