
Check if crossover occurred in the period of last 10 candles

I am working on a strategy that requires me to check if there was a certain crossover few candles back in time when I get my signal on current candle close.

Right now I am basically creating 10 variables for each candle, because I want to check back 10 candles and see if crossover happened (any kind of crossover works for this example).

This works, but leads to a bit of a messy and verbose code, so I was wondering if I can somehow create a "one liner" solution to check this for the whole period?


  • This might help

    study("Sma cross during last n candles", overlay=true)
    sma20 = sma(close, 20)
    sma50 = sma(close, 50)
    cross = cross(sma20, sma50)
    // Highligh cross on the chart
    bgcolor(cross ? : na)
    // Function looking for a happened condition during lookback period
    f_somethingHappened(_cond, _lookback) =>
        bool _crossed = false
        for i = 1 to _lookback
            if _cond[i]
                _crossed := true
    // The function could be called multiple times on different conditions, that should reduce the code
    crossed10 = f_somethingHappened(cross, 10)
    // Highligh background if cross happened during last 10 bars
    bgcolor(crossed10 ? : na)