
How to count records in sqlite db table using moor_flutter package?

How do I count all rows in a table and get number of rows as a result using the moor_flutter package?

I have seen moor_flutter official documentation here but I can't find what I'm looking for.

I was hoping it would be like the function below according to the similarities in crud functions when using the moor_flutter package but it is not working either.

Future<int<Person>> countPersons() => count(persons).get();


  • I figured out a way to find count of table rows. Here is a complete solution with basic comments,

    //Create expression of count
    var countExp = persons.id.count();
    //Moor creates query from Expression so, they don't have value unless you execute it as query.  
    //Following query will execute experssion on Table.
    final query = selectOnly(persons)..addColumns([countExp]);
    var result = await query.map((row) => row.read(countExp)).getSingle();

    Please note that I have used selectOnly instead of select because I am not interested in any column except Count.