
'UIPastebaord.general.hasStrings' not working on iOS 14.0

I'm offering a custom keyboard app. I am checking'full access' with the code below to activate some functions. It's a valuable code I discovered through this site a few years ago. But I found out that the code below doesn't run on iOS 14. UIPasteboard.general.hasStrings always returns false. hasImages/hasColors/hasURLs all return false. But it doesn't seem to be real. If you paste, there is a previously copied content or only ‘TEST’ is pasted. 'TEST' is for checking purposes and should not be printed.

let pasty = UIPasteboard.general
    if pasty.hasURLs || pasty.hasColors || pasty.hasStrings || pasty.hasImages {
        hasFullAccess = true
    } else {
        pasty.string = "TEST"
        if pasty.hasStrings {
            hasFullAccess = true
            pasty.string = ""

I am deeply reflecting on what I only found out about this. Also, I'm really sorry for the users who use my app. So I'm asking here because I want to solve it somehow. So, if anyone knows how to fix it, I'd like to let you know.

What I have done so far Update ‘firebase’ and ‘realm’ to the latest version with ‘cocoapod’ Fix a problem after pod update Try modifying the code continuously by turning on/off Allow Full Access in iOS settings Google search…

Let me know if someone knows a better solution. Or, I'd like to give you a clue as to the cause of the problem. I hope that people who have the same problem will consider it together.

Thanks for reading this far. And I'll wait for someone's help. please.


  • We found the same issue. Our current solution is to use viewWillAppear instead of viewDidLoad when checking for full access.

    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        // We need to check fullAccess after view has appeared in order for UIPasteboard to be available.
        if self.hasFullyAccess() == false {
            // Do whatever.
    public func hasFullyAccess() -> Bool {
        var hasFullAccess = false
        if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {
            let pasty = UIPasteboard.general
            if pasty.hasURLs || pasty.hasColors || pasty.hasStrings || pasty.hasImages {
                hasFullAccess = true
            } else {
                // We test if we can put something in UIPasteboard, if anything we have access.
                pasty.string = "TEST"
                if pasty.hasStrings {
                    hasFullAccess = true
                    pasty.string = ""   // Removes string from pasty again.
        return hasFullAccess