
How to disable some warnings in Spring Boot

in my app i can upload files (max size is 10MB). I created an exception handler for too big files, but console still shows warning that there was a try to upload too big file:

2020-09-30 01:38:59.306  WARN 2476 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] .m.m.a.ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver : Resolved [org.springframework.web.multipart.MaxUploadSizeExceededException: Maximum upload size exceeded; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.impl.SizeLimitExceededException: the request was rejected because its size (26937892) exceeds the configured maximum (10485760)]

Exception handler:

    public void oversizedFilesHandler(MaxUploadSizeExceededException e){

Is it possible to disable these warnings?


  • You can achieve that by adding log level to your properties file:

    RULE : logging.level.xxxx=LEVEL


    We apply the rule to your case: 

    Or even thinner: =ERROR 

    Hence, only ERROR, FATAL and OFF level will be logged to you console.