
how can I call a delete method properly?

It's actually the first time that I'm trying to call a delete method angular. my code in my dataService is:

deleteMeaningItem(data): Observable<Result> {
    return this.http.delete<Result>(url, data);

and in component:

 this.dataService.deleteMeaningItem({id: id}).subscribe(res => {
 if (res.status) {
    //do something          

but I'm getting 415 Unsupported Media Type error! I've also tried to send Content-Type in my request header like:

deleteMeaningItem(data): Observable<Result> {
     return this.http.delete<Result>(global.dataUrl + '/MeaningItems/Delete', { params: data,
     headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}});

but then then I'm getting 400 Bad Request error! I need your help.


  • all I had to do was to provide body in the request option. so I did this:

    deleteMeaningItem(meaningId): Observable<Result> {
        const options = {
          headers: new HttpHeaders({
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
          body: meaningId,
        return this.http.delete<Result>(global.dataUrl + '/MeaningItems/Delete', options);