I have a RDLC report in which I want grouping by username and status which has value open and closed. I am getting duplicate username when both the value of status is present for the username.
In the expression, I have used below code -
=IIf (
Fields!Status.Value.ToString().ToLower().Trim() = "open",
0 )
=IIf (
Fields!Status.Value.ToString().ToLower().Trim() = "closed",
My output is this one - Current Output
And I want this output - Required Output
I would simply use a matrix instead of a table.
You can then have a rowgroup by Username
, a column group by Status
and then the value would simple be =CountRows()
So, using your sample data as my dataset query.
declare @t table (UserName varchar(10), [Status] varchar(10))
('User1', 'Closed'),
('User2', 'Closed'),
('User3', 'Closed'),
('User3', 'Closed'),
('User3', 'Closed'),
('User3', 'Closed'),
('User3', 'Closed'),
('User3', 'Closed'),
('User4', 'Closed'),
('User4', 'Closed'),
('User4', 'Closed'),
('User4', 'Open')
select * from @t
Create a new report and add a matrix control.
Drag the fields to the respective column and rows headers as shown below.
Next, set the Value cell's expression to =CountRows()
This will give us a basic matrix output.
Next to add the totals...
In the row and column group panel below the main design window, right-click the group, then select "add total" then "After", repeat this for both row and column groups.
Set the expression for the new cells to, again, =CountRows()
The final design looks like this.
(note all the cells that show expression are set the the same =CountRows()
The final output looks like this (after a bit of bold and shading)