I have this code and it works fine:
<a [routerLink]="['/menuItemOne']">
<span [innerHTML]="(mystrings$ | async)?.menuItemOne | htmlToText"></span>
But now I need to update the page title when the link is clicked.
I added a setTitle
method on the component:
public setTitle( newTitle: string) {
this.titleService.setTitle( newTitle );
Using (click)
function I can update the page title and it works fine:
<a [routerLink]="['/menuItemOne']" (click)="setTitle('Menu Item One')">
<span [innerHTML]="(strings$ | async)?.menuItemOneStr | htmlToText"></span>
But how do I do it to pass the variable menuItemOneStr
instead of using the string 'Menu Item One'
I tried:
<a [routerLink]="['/menuItemOne']" (click)="setTitle((strings$ | async)?.menuItemOneStr | htmlToText)">
<span [innerHTML]="(strings$ | async)?.menuItemOneStr | htmlToText"></span>
But it doesn't work. Any ideas?
You can subscribe to it on your setTitle
public setTitle(key: string) {
// key = menuItemOneStr, menuItemTwoStr, etc.
this.strings$.subscribe((stringsObject: object) => {
And in your HTML
<a [routerLink]="['/menuItemOne']" (click)="setTitle('menuItemOneStr')">
<span [innerHTML]="(strings$ | async)?.menuItemOneStr | htmlToText"></span>
This means your subscribing to it twice, since the async
pipe subscribes aswell. It seems like your strings$
is Observable<object>[]
so you can can use ngFor
and subscribe once. This means your setTitle
stays the same but the HTML is changed. As a note, you can use interpolation inside any tags with pipes using the {{ variableName | somePipe }}
Updated HTML
<ng-container *ngFor="let stringDetails of strings$ | async; index as i">
<a [routerLink]="[stringDetails.link]" (click)="setTitle(stringDetails.title)">
<span>{{stringDetails.text | htmlToText}}</span>