Try to calculate the standard deviation of last 5 elements of a series below is the implementation I copied from TradingView official's ADX implementation
study(title="DMI movement out of 2SD in last 10 points", shorttitle="StrategyX", format=format.price, precision=4, resolution="")
lensig = input(14, title="ADX Smoothing", minval=1, maxval=50)
len = input(14, minval=1, title="DI Length")
up = change(high)
down = -change(low)
plusDM = na(up) ? na : (up > down and up > 0 ? up : 0)
minusDM = na(down) ? na : (down > up and down > 0 ? down : 0)
trur = rma(tr, len)
plus = fixnan(100 * rma(plusDM, len) / trur)
minus = fixnan(100 * rma(minusDM, len) / trur)
sum = plus + minus
adx = 100 * rma(abs(plus - minus) / (sum == 0 ? 1 : sum), lensig)
What I was trying to do is to get the standard deviation of the latest 5 plus (DMI+) data points, I tried multiple approaches..
But turned out I can't get the data point from the plus
series. It should return a variable (the fifth last element) but not another series (according to the official doc:[])
plus[5] // do not understand why it is still a series but not a float
and slice
which again failed as there is no way to convert series to array
any help would be greatly appreciated :pray thanks
Have you tried the built-in stdev
plus2StDev = 2 * stdev(plus, 5)
But turned out I can't the data point from the plus series
Could be during the early stages of runtime the data doesn't exists yet, for example on the first bar there is no past values of plus series. You can use nz
function to safely access the series history data - nz(plus[5])
custom stdev function shared by tradingview user alexgrover:
f_stdev(src, length) => length == 1 ? 0 : sqrt(sma(pow(src, 2), length) - pow(sma(src, length), 2))
plus2StDev = 2 * f_stdev(plus, 5)