
Calculate the distance between two CGPoints

I need to calculate the distance between two CGPoints. I saw this, but I don't get it.


  • Well, with stuff your refering too where is the full code:

    CGPoint p2; //[1]
    CGPoint p1;
    //Assign the coord of p2 and p1...
    //End Assign...
    CGFloat xDist = (p2.x - p1.x); //[2]
    CGFloat yDist = (p2.y - p1.y); //[3]
    CGFloat distance = sqrt((xDist * xDist) + (yDist * yDist)); //[4]

    The distance is the variable distance.

    What is going on here:

    1. So first off we make two points...
    2. Then we find the distance between x coordinates of the points.
    3. Now we find the distance between the y coordinates.
    4. These lengths are two sides of the triangle, infact they are the legs, time to find the hypotenuse which means after doing some math to rearragne c^2 = a^2 + b^2 we get the hypotenuse to equal sqrt((xDist^2) + (yDist^2)). xDist^2 = (xDist * xDist). And likewise: yDist^2 = (yDist * yDist)

    You can't really make a CGPoint be the distance, distance doesn't have an x and y component. It is just 1 number.

    If you think CGPoint is a unit of measurement (for example feet is a unit of measurement) it is not.