
Google Cloud Container Registry/Artifact Registry Permissions

I'm trying to push containers to the Google Cloud Container Registry or the Google Cloud Artifact Registry on Windows 10 using the Google Cloud SDK. I'm getting a similar permissions error from both services however I can't seem to figure out why. For the Container Registry, on push I get:

> docker push{PROJECT}/{PATH}/{CONTAINER}:{TAG}
unauthorized: You don't have the needed permissions to perform this operation, 
and you may have invalid credentials. To authenticate your request, follow the 
steps in:

For the Artifact Registry, on push I get:

denied: Permission "artifactregistry.repositories.downloadArtifacts" denied on resource 
"projects/opallabs/locations/northamerica-northeast1/repositories/domar" (or it may not exist)

I've run gcloud init and gcloud auth configure-docker a few times. I can create and edit Google Cloud resources from the command line using gcloud without any trouble. I'm the owner of the Google Cloud project but I've assigned myself Storage Admin, Artifact Registry Administrator, Artifact Registry Repository Administrator just to be safe. However, when I run gcloud auth print-access-token and analyze the token with the endpoint, the only scopes that appear are:

  "scope": "openid 

Missing are the or the scopes which should probably be there according to the troubleshooting link, but I'm not sure why they would be missing. I had this working on my last Windows 10 machine by following the setup instructions, but the same setup on my new machine doesn't seem to be working.

My docker credential helper entries:

  "credHelpers": {
    "": "gcloud",
    "": "gcloud",
    "": "gcloud",
    "": "gcloud",
    "": "gcloud",
    "": "gcloud",
    "": "gcloud",
    "": "gcloud"
> docker-credential-gcloud list
  "": "_dcgcloud_token",
  "": "_dcgcloud_token",
  "": "_dcgcloud_token",
  "": "_dcgcloud_token",
  "": "_dcgcloud_token",
  "": "_dcgcloud_token"

gcloud -v
Google Cloud SDK 311.0.0
beta 2020.09.18
bq 2.0.60
core 2020.09.18
gsutil 4.53

docker -v
Docker version 19.03.13, build 4484c46d9d


  • Thanks to the link provided by Muss Rahman I've been able to authenticate by going to "Settings" -> "Command Line" in Docker Desktop and unchecking the "Enable cloud experience" switch. The setting seems to be absent from the docker manual so I'm not sure how it impacts the authentication, all I know is that for Docker version 19.03.13, build 4484c46d9d on Windows, if you want to authenticate using gcloud it needs to be disabled.