I'm running the following code and I get the following output. According to the documentation it says it returns a binary string?
PHP\pack('H*', 'ab') // "\253"
PHP\pack('H*', 'a') // "\240"
I can't for the life of me figure out 253 is 'ab'. 253
is 11111101
in binary which if you were to break out is
and 1101
which don't map to a or b?
What does "\253" represent?
U+00AB, character «
, decimal 171, hex 0xAB, octal \253, binary 10101011
Specifically: http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/cgi/unicode-decoder/utf8-decoder?encoding=numeric&bytes=0xc2%200xab
For any future issues: http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/cgi/unicode-decoder/character-identifier?keywords=quotation