Being new to C++, I am still struggling with pointers-to-pointers and I am not sure if my method below is returning decoded image bytes properly.
This method gets a base64 encoded image string from API. The method has to follow this signature as it is part of legacy code that is not allowed to abbreviate from the way it was written originally. So the signature has to stay the same. Also, I have omitted here async calls and continuations, exceptions etc for code simplicity.
int __declspec(dllexport) GetInfoAndPicture(CString uid, char **image, long *imageSize)
CString request = "";
http_client httpClient(url);
http_request msg(methods::POST);
http_response httpResponse;
httpResponse = httpClient.request(msg).get(); //blocking
web::json::value jsonValue = httpResponse.extract_json().get();
if (jsonValue.has_string_field(L"img"))
web::json::value base64EncodedImageValue ="img");
utility::string_t imageString = base64EncodedImageValue.as_string();
std::vector<unsigned char> imageBytes = utility::conversions::from_base64(imageString);
image = (char**)&imageBytes; //Is this the way to pass image bytes back?
*imageSize = imageBytes.size();
The caller calls this method like so:
char mUid[64];
char* mImage;
long mImageSize;
resultCode = GetInfoAndPicture(mUid, &mImage, &mImageSize);
//process image given its data and its size
I know what pointer to pointer is, my question is specific to this line
image = (char**)&imageBytes;
Is this the correct way to return the image decoded from base64 into the calling code via the char** image
formal parameter given the above method signature and method call?
I do get error "Program .... File: minkernel\crts\ucrt\src\appcrt\convert\isctype.cpp ... "Expression c >= -1 && c <= 255"" which I believe is related to the fact that this line is not correctly passing data back.
Give the requirements there isn't any way to avoid allocating more memory and copying the bytes. You cannot use the vector directly because that is local to the GetInfoAndPicture
function and will be destroyed when that function exits.
If I understand the API correctly then this is what you need to do
//*image = new char[imageBytes.size()]; //use this if caller calls delete[] to deallocate memory
*image = (char*)malloc(imageBytes.size()); //use this if caller calls free(image) to deallocate memory
std::copy(imageBytes.begin(), imageBytes.end(), *image);
*imageSize = imageBytes.size();
Maybe there is some way in your utility::conversions
functions of decoding directly to a character array instead of to a vector, but only you would know about that.