As part of a program where I need to log data from monadic computations, I am trying to define a class to make this more convenient.
module Serial where
import Data.Int
import Data.IORef
import System.IO
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Marshal
import Foreign.Storable
class MonadIO m => Serial m a where
get :: Handle -> m a
put :: Handle -> a -> m ()
One of the things I'd like to be able to do is to define get
and put
in a 'higher' monad, since some data is inaccessible in IO
. For simpler data, like instances of Storable
, for example, IO
is enough. I'd like to keep the basic instances in the 'lowest' possible monad, but allow the actions to be lifted to any 'higher' MonadIO
instance (Serial m a, MonadIO (t m), MonadTrans t)
=> Serial (t m) a where
get = lift . get
put h = lift . put h
instance Storable a => Serial IO a where
get h = alloca (\ptr
-> hGetBuf h ptr (sizeOf (undefined :: a))
>> peek ptr)
put h a = with a (\ptr
-> hPutBuf h ptr $ sizeOf a)
The idea is to enable functions like
func :: Serial m a => Handle -> a -> m ()
func h a = put h (0::Int32) >> put h a
where an instance in IO
can be combined with an instance in any MonadIO
. However with my current code, GHC cannot deduce the instance for Serial m Int32
. For the particular case of lifting IO
this problem can be solved by liftIO
, but if the base type is t IO
that doesn't work anymore. I think this can be solved by overlapping instances, but I would like to avoid that if possible. Is there any way to achieve this?
You can just write out the required extra constraint:
func :: (Serial m a, Serial m Int32) => Handle -> a -> m ()
func h a = put h (0::Int32) >> put h a
(I think this requires -XFlexibleContexts
If this makes the signatures unwieldy, you can group together constraints in a “constraint synonym class”:
class (Serial m a, Serial m Int32, Serial m Int64, ...)
=> StoSerial m a
instance (Serial m a, Serial m Int32, Serial m Int64, ...)
=> StoSerial m a
func :: StoSerial m a => Handle -> a -> m ()
func h a = put h (0::Int32) >> put h a