I control permissions with cancan. I want to change the return destination(404,403) to a specific condition
But, I don't know how to make an exception other than CanCan::AccessDenied
with cancan
Let me know if you could have a idea.
Below is my code.(If status is true, I want to return with 404, otherwise I want to return 403)
if current_user.status
can :show, Organization # 404
can :show, Organization # 403
def index
authorize! :show, Organization
rescue CanCan::AccessDenied => e
render_403 # if status true
render_404 # if status false
I did some digging and it doesn't look like CanCan supports the kind of granularity for exceptions you require.
So... why not use current_user.status
in your controller as well?
def index
authorize! :show, Organization
rescue CanCan::AccessDenied => e
if current_user.status
(Or, if duplicate code/logic is a concern, put them both in a method you call both in your ability class and the controller.)
Then simplify the snippet from your ability class down to the following:
can :show, Organization
BTW, CanCan hasn't been maintained in years. You may want to switch to the more actively maintained CanCanCan (but I think you'll require the same solution above).
Also, if you end up showing different pages depending on the user's status (whatever that status may communicate), you may be inadvertently leaking information that users and/or non-users aren't supposed to see, similar to what's explained here.