I have a simple one-page searchable PDF that is uploaded to a Rails 6 application model (Car) using Active Storage. I can extract the text from the PDF using the 'tempfile' and 'pdf-reader' gems in the Rails console:
> @car.creport.attached?
=> true
> f = Tempfile.new(['file', '.pdf'])
> f.binmode
> f.write(@car.creport.blob.download)
> r = PDF::Reader.new(f.path.to_s)
> r.pages[1].text
=> "Welcome to the ABC Car Report for January 16, 20...
But, if I try the same thing in the create method of my cars_controller.rb, it doesn't work:
# cars_controller.rb
def create
@car = Car.new(car_params)
@car.filetext = ""
f = Tempfile.new(['file', '.pdf'])
r = PDF::Reader.new(f.path.to_s)
@car.filetext = r.pages[1].text
When I run the Rails application I can create a new Car and select a PDF file to attach. But when I click 'Submit' I get a FileNotFoundError in cars_controller.rb at the f.write() line.
My gut instinct is that the controller is trying to read the blob in order to write it to the temp file too soon (i.e., before the blob has even been written). I tried inserting a sleep(2)
to give it time, but I get the same FileNotFoundError.
Any ideas?
Thank you!
I don't get why you're jumping through so many hoops. And using .download
without a block loads the entire file into memory (yikes). If @car.creport
is an ActiveStorage attachment you can just use the open method instead:
@car.creport.blob.open do |file|
r = PDF::Reader.new(file) # just pass the IO object
@car.filetext = r.pages[1].text
end if @car.creport
This steams the file to disk instead (as a tempfile).
If you're just taking file input via a plain old file input you will get a ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile in the parameters that also is extemely easy to open:
params[:file].open do |file|
r = PDF::Reader.new(file) # just pass the IO object
@car.filetext = r.pages[1].text
end if params[:file].respond_to?(:open)