
Calculating Frequency and % of frequency for all categorical variables in a data frame Python

I am new to python and I am working on a requirement to list all unique value in a categorical column along with frequency of each value and the % frequency of each value in a column and using a for loop to perform it on the complete dataset. Also I am not sure if I have to use pd.Series to append data into a dataframe as per the screenshot attached because the length of the columns are different based on the unique values in a column.

Appreciate your help.

The below is the code I tried to work out but I am not able to workout on the other columns for unique value and % of frequency and create it as a data frame so that I can export it to CSV

Count_df = []
for item in df.columns:
    Count_df_ = pd.DataFrame(df1[item].value_counts())
Count_dfdf = pd.DataFrame(Count_df)
Count_dfdf.to_csv(path_or_buf = Output + '_' + 'Count_.csv')

The input and Output expected is as below and the same is attached as an :

[Input data and expected Output][1]

Thanks in advance


  • No magic. Just append the output DataFrame column-by-column patiently.

    Here I assume a 4-columned output in a single .csv file. Based on personal work experience, this format is more handy than separate files for spreadsheet softwares. However, separated output is also possible within in the loop.


    import pandas as pd
    # please provide copy-able sample data next time
    df = pd.DataFrame(
            "Name": ["A", "B", "C", "C", "A", "F"],
            "col2": [True, False, False, False, False, True],
            "col3": [1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3],
    # Construct an empty dataframe with convenient column order.
    # The ordering can be adjusted later on.
    df_ans = pd.DataFrame(
            "var_name": [],
            "var_count": [],
            "var_freq": [],
            "col_name": [],
    # process each column
    for col in df.columns:
        # get variable name and count
        df_col_count = df[col].value_counts().to_frame().reset_index()
        # rename columns
        df_col_count.columns = ["var_name", "var_count"]
        # compute frequency
        df_col_count["var_freq"] = df_col_count["var_count"] / df_col_count["var_count"].sum()
        # append column name
        df_col_count["col_name"] = col
        # sort (optional)
        # (1) by name
        df_col_count.sort_values(by="var_name", inplace=True)
        # (2) by descending frequency
        # df_col_count.sort_values(by="var_freq", ascending=False, inplace=True)
        # append
        df_ans = df_ans.append(df_col_count)
        # For separated CSV output, output here (and "col_name" can be removed)
    # reorder columns
    df_ans = df_ans[["col_name", "var_name", "var_count", "var_freq"]]
    # reindex
    df_ans.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
    # write csv
    # df_ans.to_csv(f"/path/to/all_freq.csv")


    # Each column (variable) is sorted by name.
      col_name var_name  var_count  var_freq
    0     Name        A        2.0  0.333333
    1     Name        B        1.0  0.166667
    2     Name        C        2.0  0.333333
    3     Name        F        1.0  0.166667
    4     col2    False        4.0  0.666667
    5     col2     True        2.0  0.333333
    6     col3        1        3.0  0.500000
    7     col3        2        1.0  0.166667
    8     col3        3        2.0  0.333333