
Diffrence between opening excel file path with or without quotas

I got a recent problem with Excel.

We are working with macros and it is in a Citrix envoirment.

We are filling an Excel sheet with data that works perfectly fine. But our coworkers have made themself templates which are getting filled.

Now if you choose the template to be filled it is first pretty slow and then actually freezes/crashes. What I have recognized when you choose the template like \server\folder\template.xls it crashes but if you choose it like "\server\folder\template.xls" it doesnt but the templates seem not to work as their saved macros won't run.

But what else diffrences between those two Options. Is it really only macros?


  • As it seems, we had a problem with the excel Installtion.

    There was a problem between Excel 2016 32bit, Excel 2016 64bit and Excel 365.

    We made a new clear installation with excel 365 and it worked again.

    Therefore still thank you for your help and Ideas.