I have a table with a varchar column with different values in it. Some of the values in this column are in fact datetime stamp but written in varchar data type. I wish to find entries which contain datetime AND are related to today. So, my table is like this:
ID | column_x
12 | apple
13 | 25.03.2018 14:13:58
14 | 05.10.2020 10:43:17
15 | 3620
The following query works
select [ID] ,[column_x],
CAST(CONVERT(DATETIME, [column_x] , 104) AS DATE) the_date
from [my_DB].[dbo].[my_table]
where (ISDATE([column_x])=1)
The result is like this:
ID | column_x | the_date
13 | 25.03.2018 14:13:58 | 2018-03-25
14 | 05.10.2020 10:43:17 | 2020-10-05
15 | 3620 | 3620-01-01
Now I want to expand the afformentioned query to find the entries that belong to today (2020.10.05)
The following query gives error:
select * from (
select [ID] ,[column_x],
CAST(CONVERT(DATETIME, [column_x] , 104) AS DATE) the_date
from [my_DB].[dbo].[my_table]
where (ISDATE([column_x])=1)
) s
(select CAST(CONVERT(DATETIME, s.[column_x] , 104) AS DATE))=
The error message is:
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
I can't understand why I get this error while I have already chosen only entries that are datetime according to the SQL itself.
More strangely, the following query works fine and prints the output:
(select CAST(CONVERT(DATETIME, '05.10.2020 19:46:19' , 104) AS DATE))=
print 'condition is fulfileld'
Even replacing the date with the problematic number (3620) doesn't result in error. Just the condition is not met in that case.
I can't understand why I get that error.
You can use try_convert()
. . . but why not convert the current date to the same format:
select [ID] ,[column_x]
from [my_DB].[dbo].[my_table]
where left(column_x, 10) = convert(varchar(10), getdate(), 104)
To do the comparison the other way:
where try_convert(date, column_x, 104) = convert(date, getdate())