I'm doing a small project which requires to resolve a bug in matplotlib
in order to fix zorders of some ax.patches
and ax.collections
. More exactly, ax.patches
are symbols rotatable in space and ax.collections
are sides of ax.voxels
(so text must be placed on them). I know so far, that a bug is hidden in draw
method of mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D
: zorder
are recalculated each time I move my diagram in an undesired way. So I decided to change definition of draw
method in these lines:
for i, col in enumerate(
key=lambda col: col.do_3d_projection(renderer),
#col.zorder = zorder_offset + i #comment this line
col.zorder = col.stable_zorder + i #add this extra line
for i, patch in enumerate(
key=lambda patch: patch.do_3d_projection(renderer),
#patch.zorder = zorder_offset + i #comment this line
patch.zorder = patch.stable_zorder + i #add this extra line
It's assumed that every object of ax.collection
and ax.patch
has a stable_attribute
which is assigned manually in my project. So every time I run my project, I must be sure that mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D.draw
method is changed manually (outside my project). How to avoid this change and override this method in any way inside my project?
This is MWE of my project:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d as art3d
from matplotlib.text import TextPath
from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D
from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch
class VisualArray:
def __init__(self, arr, fig=None, ax=None):
if len(arr.shape) == 1:
arr = arr[None,None,:]
elif len(arr.shape) == 2:
arr = arr[None,:,:]
elif len(arr.shape) > 3:
raise NotImplementedError('More than 3 dimensions is not supported')
self.arr = arr
if fig is None:
self.fig = plt.figure()
self.fig = fig
if ax is None:
self.ax = self.fig.gca(projection='3d')
self.ax = ax
self.ax.azim, self.ax.elev = -120, 30
self.colors = None
def text3d(self, xyz, s, zdir="z", zorder=1, size=None, angle=0, usetex=False, **kwargs):
d = {'-x': np.array([[-1.0, 0.0, 0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0, 0.0, -1]]),
'-y': np.array([[0.0, 1.0, 0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0, 0.0, 1]]),
'-z': np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [0, 0.0, -1]])}
x, y, z = xyz
if "y" in zdir:
x, y, z = x, z, y
elif "x" in zdir:
x, y, z = y, z, x
elif "z" in zdir:
x, y, z = x, y, z
text_path = TextPath((-0.5, -0.5), s, size=size, usetex=usetex)
aff = Affine2D()
trans = aff.rotate(angle)
# apply additional rotation of text_paths if side is dark
if '-' in zdir:
trans._mtx = np.dot(d[zdir], trans._mtx)
trans = trans.translate(x, y)
p = PathPatch(trans.transform_path(text_path), **kwargs)
art3d.pathpatch_2d_to_3d(p, z=z, zdir=zdir)
p.stable_zorder = zorder
return p
def on_rotation(self, event):
vrot_idx = [self.ax.elev > 0, True].index(True)
v_zorders = 10000 * np.array([(1, -1), (-1, 1)])[vrot_idx]
for side, zorder in zip((self.side1, self.side4), v_zorders):
for patch in side:
patch.stable_zorder = zorder
hrot_idx = [self.ax.azim < -90, self.ax.azim < 0, self.ax.azim < 90, True].index(True)
h_zorders = 10000 * np.array([(1, 1, -1, -1), (-1, 1, 1, -1),
(-1, -1, 1, 1), (1, -1, -1, 1)])[hrot_idx]
sides = (self.side3, self.side2, self.side6, self.side5)
for side, zorder in zip(sides, h_zorders):
for patch in side:
patch.stable_zorder = zorder
def voxelize(self):
shape = self.arr.shape[::-1]
x, y, z = np.indices(shape)
arr = (x < shape[0]) & (y < shape[1]) & (z < shape[2])
self.ax.voxels(arr, facecolors=self.colors, edgecolor='k')
for col in self.ax.collections:
col.stable_zorder = col.zorder
def labelize(self):
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.on_rotation)
s = self.arr.shape
self.side1, self.side2, self.side3, self.side4, self.side5, self.side6 = [], [], [], [], [], []
# labelling surfaces of side1 and side4
surf = np.indices((s[2], s[1])).T[::-1].reshape(-1, 2) + 0.5
surf_pos1 = np.insert(surf, 2, self.arr.shape[0], axis=1)
surf_pos2 = np.insert(surf, 2, 0, axis=1)
labels1 = (self.arr[0]).flatten()
labels2 = (self.arr[-1]).flatten()
for xyz, label in zip(surf_pos1, [f'${n}$' for n in labels1]):
t = self.text3d(xyz, label, zdir="z", zorder=10000, size=1, usetex=True, ec="none", fc="k")
for xyz, label in zip(surf_pos2, [f'${n}$' for n in labels2]):
t = self.text3d(xyz, label, zdir="-z", zorder=-10000, size=1, usetex=True, ec="none", fc="k")
# labelling surfaces of side2 and side5
surf = np.indices((s[2], s[0])).T[::-1].reshape(-1, 2) + 0.5
surf_pos1 = np.insert(surf, 1, 0, axis=1)
surf = np.indices((s[0], s[2])).T[::-1].reshape(-1, 2) + 0.5
surf_pos2 = np.insert(surf, 1, self.arr.shape[1], axis=1)
labels1 = (self.arr[:, -1]).flatten()
labels2 = (self.arr[::-1, 0].T[::-1]).flatten()
for xyz, label in zip(surf_pos1, [f'${n}$' for n in labels1]):
t = self.text3d(xyz, label, zdir="y", zorder=10000, size=1, usetex=True, ec="none", fc="k")
for xyz, label in zip(surf_pos2, [f'${n}$' for n in labels2]):
t = self.text3d(xyz, label, zdir="-y", zorder=-10000, size=1, usetex=True, ec="none", fc="k")
# labelling surfaces of side3 and side6
surf = np.indices((s[1], s[0])).T[::-1].reshape(-1, 2) + 0.5
surf_pos1 = np.insert(surf, 0, self.arr.shape[2], axis=1)
surf_pos2 = np.insert(surf, 0, 0, axis=1)
labels1 = (self.arr[:, ::-1, -1]).flatten()
labels2 = (self.arr[:, ::-1, 0]).flatten()
for xyz, label in zip(surf_pos1, [f'${n}$' for n in labels1]):
t = self.text3d(xyz, label, zdir="x", zorder=-10000, size=1, usetex=True, ec="none", fc="k")
for xyz, label in zip(surf_pos2, [f'${n}$' for n in labels2]):
t = self.text3d(xyz, label, zdir="-x", zorder=10000, size=1, usetex=True, ec="none", fc="k")
def vizualize(self):
arr = np.arange(60).reshape((2,6,5))
va = VisualArray(arr)
This is an output I get after external change of ...\mpl_toolkits\mplot3d\axes3d.py
This is an output (an unwanted one) I get if no change is done:
What you want to achieve is called Monkey Patching.
It has its downsides and has to be used with some care (there is plenty of information available under this keyword). But one option could look something like this:
from matplotlib import artist
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
# Create a new draw function
def draw(self, renderer):
# Your version
# ...
# Add Axes3D explicitly to super() calls
super(Axes3D, self).draw(renderer)
# Overwrite the old draw function
Axes3D.draw = draw
# The rest of your code
# ...
Caveats here are to import artist
for the decorator and the explicit call super(Axes3D, self).method()
instead of just using super().method()
Depending on your use case and to stay compatible with the rest of your code you could also save the original draw function and use the custom only temporarily:
def draw_custom():
draw_org = Axes3D.draw
Axes3D.draw = draw_custom
# Do custom stuff
Axes3D.draw = draw_org
# Do normal stuff