I want to use pyspark StandardScaler on 6 out of 10 columns in my dataframe. This will be part of a pipeline.
The inputCol parameter seems to expect a vector, which I can pass in after using VectorAssembler on all my features, but this scales all 10 features. I don’t want to scale the other 4 features because they are binary and I want unstandardized coefficients for them.
Am I supposed to use vector assembler on the 6 features, scale them, then use vector assembler again on this scaled features vector and the remaining 4 features? I would end up with a vector within a vector and I’m not sure this will work.
What’s the right way to do this? An example is appreciated.
You can do this by using VectorAssembler. They key is you have to extract the columns from the assembler output. See the code below for a working example,
from pyspark.ml.feature import MinMaxScaler, StandardScaler
from pyspark.ml.feature import VectorAssembler
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import random
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['a'] = random.sample(range(100), 10)
df['b'] = random.sample(range(100), 10)
df['c'] = random.sample(range(100), 10)
df['d'] = random.sample(range(100), 10)
df['e'] = random.sample(range(100), 10)
sdf = sc.createDataFrame(df)
| a| b| c| d| e|
| 51| 13| 6| 5| 26|
| 18| 29| 19| 81| 28|
| 34| 1| 36| 57| 87|
| 56| 86| 51| 52| 48|
| 36| 49| 33| 15| 54|
| 87| 53| 47| 89| 85|
| 7| 14| 55| 13| 98|
| 70| 50| 32| 39| 58|
| 80| 20| 25| 54| 37|
| 40| 33| 44| 83| 27|
cols_to_scale = ['c', 'd', 'e']
cols_to_keep_unscaled = ['a', 'b']
scaler = StandardScaler(inputCol="features", outputCol="scaledFeatures")
assembler = VectorAssembler().setInputCols(cols_to_scale).setOutputCol("features")
sdf_transformed = assembler.transform(sdf)
scaler_model = scaler.fit(sdf_transformed.select("features"))
sdf_scaled = scaler_model.transform(sdf_transformed)
| a| b| c| d| e| features| scaledFeatures|
| 51| 13| 6| 5| 26| [6.0,5.0,26.0]|[0.39358015146628...|
| 18| 29| 19| 81| 28|[19.0,81.0,28.0]|[1.24633714630991...|
| 34| 1| 36| 57| 87|[36.0,57.0,87.0]|[2.36148090879773...|
| 56| 86| 51| 52| 48|[51.0,52.0,48.0]|[3.34543128746345...|
| 36| 49| 33| 15| 54|[33.0,15.0,54.0]|[2.16469083306459...|
| 87| 53| 47| 89| 85|[47.0,89.0,85.0]|[3.08304451981926...|
| 7| 14| 55| 13| 98|[55.0,13.0,98.0]|[3.60781805510765...|
| 70| 50| 32| 39| 58|[32.0,39.0,58.0]|[2.09909414115354...|
| 80| 20| 25| 54| 37|[25.0,54.0,37.0]|[1.63991729777620...|
| 40| 33| 44| 83| 27|[44.0,83.0,27.0]|[2.88625444408612...|
# Function just to convert to help build data frame
def extract(row):
return (row.a, row.b,) + tuple(row.scaledFeatures.toArray().tolist())
sdf_scaled = sdf_scaled.select(*cols_to_keep_unscaled, "scaledFeatures").rdd \
.map(extract).toDF(cols_to_keep_unscaled + cols_to_scale)
| a| b| c| d| e|
| 51| 13|0.3935801514662892|0.16399957083190683|0.9667572801316145|
| 18| 29| 1.246337146309916| 2.656793047476891|1.0411232247571234|
| 34| 1|2.3614809087977355| 1.8695951074837378|3.2349185912096337|
| 56| 86|3.3454312874634584| 1.7055955366518312|1.7847826710122114|
| 36| 49| 2.164690833064591|0.49199871249572047| 2.007880504888738|
| 87| 53| 3.083044519819266| 2.9191923608079415|3.1605526465841245|
| 7| 14|3.6078180551076513| 0.4263988841629578| 3.643931286649932|
| 70| 50|2.0990941411535426| 1.2791966524888734|2.1566123941397555|
| 80| 20| 1.639917297776205| 1.7711953649845937| 1.375769975571913|
| 40| 33|2.8862544440861213| 2.7223928758096534| 1.003940252444369|